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Roomba red light flashing and orange light blinking - Should you be concerned?

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Roomba red light flashing and orange light blinking - Should you be concerned?

Bericht door chuckcrowley »

Roomba has several light patterns for different conditions and cautions. Normally, the color of red or orange rarely sends a good message. It is expected that when your Roomba red light flashing, the logical assumption is that something went wrong. The same goes when Roomba blinking orange. However, you do not need to stress if these situations occur. The following article will give you a more thorough explanation and solutions for said matter.

The reason Roomba red and orange flashing light happen

iRobot's most recent Roomba robot vacuum cleaners use a Light Ring feature. It communicates the machine's status to the user using a mix of app notifications and audio. Meanwhile, the location of this ring is found around the Clean button if you own older Roomba models. Nevertheless, no matter the models you own, be assured that it will be easy to detect.

With the above knowledge in mind, you can start finding out the most common problems when you see your Roomba red light flashing or orange light flashing would be:
  • Roomba’s battery life is running too low.
  • The dirt container is full.
  • The device detects blockages.
Of course, the issues can be better understood if you can actually identify the error more accurately. Luckily, this is absolutely possible. You can find more details about the movements and glowing patterns of the light ring in the following parts of this article.

RELATED: Roomba Flashing Red Light: A Detailed Troubleshooting Guide

The pattern of the red light and orange light and how to fix them

Roomba red light flashing
  • The Roomba’s red light stays full on: the machine experienced an unspecified issue.
When a Roomba flashing red light stays full on, you can check the error code by pressing the 'Clean' button. After pushing the button, the device will read out loud an error code that can assist you in determining the source of the problem; you can consult the App or the user guide to see what that problem code means.

The issues could range from jammed brushes to dirty-choked gearboxes. In many cases, the issues stem from insufficient robot vacuum cleaner maintenance. The robot vacuum must be cleaned on a regular basis. Overall, cleaning the Roomba robot vacuum guarantees that the equipment runs properly and that no Roomba red flashing light will appear.
  • The Roomba blinking red light: the battery is depleted and will no longer function at this level.
The battery level is too low when the Roomba’s light ring blinks red. The solution is to instantly send the

Roomba to the dock station for recharge. In any case, charging the Roomba after each cleaning is recommended to avoid power loss too often, which can lead to your Roomba red light flashing. As a result, your battery will eventually fail before its expected lifespan.
  • The Roomba red light spins: battery reached below 15%.
There is a problem with the battery level even when the Roomba's red light is spinning. When the battery level reaches 15%, the red light begins to rotate clockwise. Even Though the vacuum should be running fine for a while, you should quickly connect the gadget to the dock station to ensure that it continues to work.
  • The Roomba red light waves down: signals an overflowing dust container.
A red light waving downwards in a circle indicates that your Roomba dustbin is entirely full and must be emptied before it can function again. Therefore, what you need to do to turn off the red light is empty the dust can and wipe it down with a clean towel. In addition to ensuring that the garbage is completely empty, check whether the filter is clogged or not. Finally, make sure the red light disappears. If you continue to have problems, you can restart the roomba.


Roomba orange light flashing

As for the orange light, it rarely gives out a signal that your Roomba vacuum has an issue. When your Roomba blinking orange, on the other hand, this reveals the condition of the Roomba’s battery life and what follows in terms of the device’s capability.
  • The Roomba flashing orange light slowly: a good sign
If your Roomba is steadily blinking orange while charging, that signifies everything is fine with the machine. A slow pulsing orange light indicates that the energy supply is substantial and that your iRobot Roomba is now receiving a consistent level of energy.

The Roomba flashing orange light rapidly: in need of a 16-hour battery recovery

A Roomba fast orange blink light indicates that it requires a 16-hour battery recharge. If your Roomba vacuum needs urgent treatment (the 16hr recuperation), the rapid orange light will appear as soon as you attach the robot to a charging outlet.
  • The Roomba flashing orange while making beeping sound: the charge fails to connect with the vacuum
If your Roomba is flashing orange and beeping, it implies that the device is not receiving a charge. Most of the time, this means that the source isn't supplying any power or that the charging circuitry isn't detecting any energy flow.

Here’s how you can fix these Roomba blinking orange light problems:
  • Option 1:
The first way you may try is simple. To see if the issue with the orange light on your iRobot Roomba is resolved, you should reconnect the charging adapter.

Sometimes a bug or a glitch may cause the device to flash in the orange light you’re seeing. To fix it, you should simply reconnect the Roomba from the charging outlet.

The gadget may occasionally flash in the orange light due to a bug or a malfunction. Simply reconnect the Roomba to the charging outlet to solve it.

Reattach the Roomba from the power outlet if you're using one, or unplug the charging adaptor.

Reconnect the device to the charging source it was previously attached to after 5 minutes of inactivity.
  • Option 2:
Other occasions that orange flashing light may happen would be when the Roomba vacuum robot does not receive any energy from the charging outlet. If that's the case, the solution is to connect Roomba into a different power outlet. Use an outlet that has already had another device connected into it so you can be confident it will work. Check to see whether the orange light will go off after once again verifying that all connections connected to the Roomba and the outlet are properly fastened.
  • Option 3:
We advise doing a hard reset on the robot to fix the issue if plugging it into a different outlet didn't quite work.

By doing this, you will completely drain the gadget of any residual energy and be able to tell if the issue is with the battery.

Here are some simple procedures to hard reset your Roomba:

1. Flip your Roomba on its side.

2. With the use of a flat head screwdriver, loosen the sweeping brush.

3. Remove the remaining five screws holding the robot's bottom panel in place.

4. Take your Roomba's battery out.

5. Wait for five minutes.

6. Replace the screws you removed and reinsert the battery.

Tips on how to extend the longevity of your Roomba battery


As far as this article goes, you can see that most of the time, the appearance of the red and orange light is related to the battery condition of the Roomba vacuum. With that being said, it is vital for you to keep some tricks up your sleeves so that you can maximize your Roomba battery life. Here are some tips that you can refer to:
  • Exhaust the battery
It is necessary to drain the battery on a regular basis in order to retain its capacity. Try to run the vacuum until the battery reaches zero, then charge it completely. Repeat this technique several times for optimal results.
  • Avoid overheating the battery
This guideline applies to devices other than your Roomba; laptops and smartphones should also follow this policy.

Keep your robot in a cool, dry place to extend the battery's life. The gadget should be kept away from direct sunlight, as heat can damage the battery. Similarly, give the device plenty of room to breathe and keep it away from other high - temperature appliances and electronics.
  • Avoid unplugging when the batter is not full
Your Roomba vacuum battery will be fastly depleted when you utilize the device capacity to its fullest. If this occurs, charge your batteries instantly and avoid unplugging it until it reaches full battery capacity. Based on your battery charger, charging time can range from 2 to 6 hours.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of your Roomba robot vacuum
Despite the fact that a vacuum is used for cleanup, it does not have to be filthy. Dust gathering within the vacuum would undoubtedly prevent it from performing optimally. As a result, it is critical to keep your robotic vacuum clean. Otherwise, the filth within may wind up exhausting all of the juice in its power tool batteries. It's also one approach to maximize the consumption of your battery's energy without overworking it.
  • Operate “vacation mode” strategy on your Roomba vacuum
Put your Roomba on "holiday mode" if you're going on vacation. This will keep the battery stable even if it is not used for long periods of time. (Additionally, you could program your Roomba to vacuum even while you're absent.)

Recharge the battery entirely to put your robot in vacation mode. Then, flip the Roomba over and unscrew the two screws that secure the battery door.

Once the battery has been removed, store it separately from the unit in a cool, dry area.

When you are back from your trip, fully charge the device and then operate it till it drains. You are then free to return to

The finest investment and money-saving choice is to properly handle your devices and their batteries. Fortunately, with the above suggestions, you will never have to face any difficulty. You may enjoy your robotic cleaner's effective and efficient performance for as long as you wish by taking proper care of both your vacuum and its batteries.

Final words

Whether you see your Roomba flashing red light or your Roomba blinking orange, they are all signals that you need to notice regarding your battery capacity or trash container. For that reason, you should invest some time in learning about their meanings and what solutions you can apply to your device. We hope that you get all the answers to your questions in this article.

Frequently asked questions

1. What is the average lifespan of a Roomba vacuum?

The maximum life expectancy of a Roomba vacuum battery is determined by several factors, including usage. Good maintenance of the robot vacuum cleaner might help it last longer. A Roomba vacuum battery typically lasts 2 to 2.5 years. When the battery has to be replaced, you must do so.

2. Why can’t I turn on or charge my Roomba vacuum robot?

If your Roomba robot vacuum is not switching on or getting charged, restarting your robot usually fixes most problems. To restart your Roomba, hold down the CLEAN button for 20 seconds. When you let go of the button, the light ring will display a white clockwise spin while it resets.

3. Should I leave my Roomba plugged when not in use?

Whenever not in use, always leave your Roomba robot plugged in. Roomba vacuums should be charged as quickly as possible. Waiting many days to recharge the Roomba might cause battery damage. Unplug the battery from Roomba and keep it in a cold, dry area when not in use.

4. Why is my Roomba red light trash can light up when it is not full?

If your Roomba vacuum continues to suggest that the bin is packed after you have cleaned it, this indicates that the bin full sensors or sensor ports have not been fully cleaned. After cleaning all six full bin sensors and ports, you may need to reset the robot to resolve the problem.

5. Roomba vacuum vs Shark apex uplight, which should I invest in?

Each vacuum offers a great deal of benefits. However, you should choose based on your requirements. You can search through TheKingLive website to read more Shark apex uplight reviews as well as Roomba vacuum robot reviews to gain better insights as we post very helpful and detailed guides on how to select the best cleaning equipment and compare them so you don’t have to.
Laatst gewijzigd door chuckcrowley op 30 jan 2023, 12:03, 1 keer totaal gewijzigd.
Berichten: 5314
Lid geworden op: 14 feb 2015, 22:59
Locatie: Zaanstreek

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